付加価値税 (VAT)

VAT (Value Added Tax) should not be a cost factor if two companies do business. However, the German tax auditors look very strictly at the VAT because the formalities are easier to check than complicated tax laws. As a consequence a lot of companies have to pay VAT just because they do not have correct incoming or outgoing invoices or because they did not check the VAT ID number of their business partner.



1. VAT登録

2. VAT ID番号

3. Federal Central Tax Register

4. Non VAT entrepreneur

5. 高度なVAT申告

6. VAT期限延長の恒久的な要請

7. Recapitulative (summary) statement

8. 税率

9. 輸入売上税

10. 税関

11. Destatis (ドイツ連邦統計局)

12. ATLASソフトウェア

Krischan TreydePlease contact me if I may give you further explanations.
I am looking forward to talk to you!

Best regards

Krischan (Kris) Treyde (CV)
Lawyer and Tax Consultant